Sunday, October 23, 2011

Pheriche, Nepal, 4280m/14,042'

There is a medical clinic in Pheriche, run by the Himalayan Rescue Association, and staffed
by a dedicated group of volunteer medical professionals expert in treating mountain and altitude related illnesses. Today we learned, once again, that when you need them you are damn glad they are here.

By now, at over 13,000', a couple of us are coping with mild upper respiratory issues, which this morning, in the wee hours as these things always happen, prompted us to divert from our schedule and split our group in order to allow one party to hurry ahead to this wonderful clinic to obtain advice, and allow the other to delay their departure from Tyengboche a few hours and advance more slowly with
ailing members.

Advice was relayed by radio, appropriate steps were taken, and the two parties were able to reunite before dark here in Pheriche, everyone feeling much improved.

We were very glad to support the work of this fine group through purchase of their logo t-shirts and direct donations, since they charged us nothing for their help and advice. All such proceeds go toward the purchase of medicine and equipment to keep this invaluable service available to the people of this region, as they have done since 1973.

Tomorrow we will advance to Laboche at about 16,000', once again together as a team, thanks in no small part to the docs at HRA-Pheriche.

Jim Ronning

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